Goboko Freedom in the sky
Tonight, our crews responded to a small plane in the Caloosahatchee River just north of Gulf Harbor. Onboard the aircraft was a flight instructor and a student. The two had an mid-air issue and they pulled the planes parachute and landed safely in the water. There were no injuries. Good samaritans helped the pilot and the student before first responders arrived. Crash Fire Rescue (CFR) is en route to begin its investigation. Iona’s Battalion 70, Engine 75 & Marine 70 responded to the call.


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03/07/2021 12:38

I think those parachutes are a great idea! Plan A learn to fly a PFL, find a nice field to land in Plan B Pull the chute and be delivered fully intact to a crocodile infested swamp a school playground, petrol station, power station!


Publié par GOBOKO . COM le 02/07/2021 à 17:20 sur le mur de Goboko (official).

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