Goboko Freedom in the sky
Setting the Flight Endurance World Record

There are a lot of world records related to flight. They can be in either a manned or unmanned aircraft, re-fueled or un-refueled, and cover areas such as flight distance, speed, or altitude. One of the most interesting and sought after of all flight records is for refueled, manned flight endurance. The current record of 64 days, 22 hours, and 19 minutes was set in 1958, by Robert Timm and John Cook. The story of this pair of Las Vegas pilots, and their record breaking flight is incredible, often funny, and always a little unbelievable. But to help put their story in the proper context, and give it a little additional weight, let’s start by defining flight endurance, and providing a little history.


17 1


30/12/2019 19:49

Now I'd be really impressed if they could change the oil in that thing mid flight!


Publié par GOBOKO . COM le 05/12/2019 à 12:11 sur le mur de Goboko (official).

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Bibliothèque JS par Leaflet
Données cartographiques © Open Street Map
Licence : CC-BY-SA
Images © Mapbox

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