Goboko Freedom in the sky
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We would like to present you, for the first time in Poland, the simulator of one of the most popular aircrafts used in civil aviation – Airbus A320.

The simulator allows to conduct a number of exercises in any chosen phase of a flight or to plan the whole flight from/to any chosen airport in the Word. There are 23000 civil airports available in the base. In each moment of the flight we can simulate any weather conditions, such as wind force and direction, thunderstorms, rain and snowfalls, fog or cloudiness.

The simulator is perfect for IFR training flights, especially for landing training with limited visibility (there is a possibility of setting CAT I, CAT II, CATIII a, b, c).

We invite all interested people to take a virtual flight at any route, in any place in the world and to get to know the profession of a pilot.


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Site web : http://a320sim.eu/en/index_en.html

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Bibliothèque JS par Leaflet
Données cartographiques © Open Street Map
Licence : CC-BY-SA
Images © Mapbox

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